These generic non-customized examples give you an idea of the type of charts available:
Line Chart
Line chart with time scale (eeee) on the X axis and linear scale on the Y axis
Line chart with time scale (h:mm:ss a) on the X axis and linear scale on the Y axis
Line chart with time scale (MMM YYYY) on the X axis, linear scale on the Y axis and linear scale connected with the second dataset on the Y2 axis
Line chart with time scale (MMM) on the X axis and stacked linear scale on the Y axis
Line chart with time scale (YYYY) on the X axis and logarithmic scale on Y axis
Line chart with alternative point style, time scale (MMMM) on the X axis and linear scale on the Y axis
Line chart with category scale on the X axis and linear scale on the Y axis
Line chart with curved lines, time scale (DD MMM YYYY) on the X axis and linear scale on the Y axis
Line chart with dashed lines, time scale (YYYY MM DD) on the X axis and linear scale on the Y axis
Area Chart
Area chart with category scale on the X axis and logarithmic scale on the Y axis
Area chart with multiple datasets, a time scale (DD MM YYYY) on the X axis and a linear scale on the Y axis
Area chart with multiple datasets, a time scale (MMM D hA) on the X axis and a stacked linear scale on the Y axis
Bar Chart
Bar chart with a single dataset
Bar chart with logarithmic scale on Y axis
Bar chart with multiple datasets and the percentage suffix added on the Y axis
Bar chart with multiple stacked datasets
Horizontal Bar Chart
Horizontal bar chart with a single dataset
Horizontal bar chart with logarithmic scale on the X axis
Horizontal bar chart with multiple datasets
Horizontal bar chart with multiple stacked datasets
Pie Chart
Pie chart with a single dataset
Pie chart with multiple datasets
Doughnut Chart
Doughnut chart with a single dataset
Doughnut chart with multiple datasets
Radar Chart
Radar area chart with a single dataset
Radar area chart with multiple datasets
Radar chart with a single dataset
Radar chart with multiple datasets
Polar Area Chart
Polar area chart with a single dataset
Scatter Chart
Scatter Chart with linear scale on X axis and linear scale on Y axis
Scatter Chart with linear scale on X axis and logarithmic scale on Y axis
Bubble Chart
Bubble chart with linear scale on X axis and linear scale on Y axis
Bubble chart with linear scale on X axis and logarithmic scale on Y axis
With UberChart you will be able to customize every single detail and create exactly the chart you need:
Chevrolet Camaro vs Ford Mustang vs Dodge Challenger Monthly U.S. Volume
Debt and Credit
High Flying Returns for these REITs YTD vs S&P 500
Income and Education
Quality Learning
Relative GPU Performance
Website Response Time
Futuremark Benchmark
Anthocyanin Content
Number of Police Officers Killed
Government’s Role in Solving Problems
China Consumer Inflation
Employee Performance Review
Volume of Oxygen Gas Produced
Learn how to use UberChart:
Import the default models
Create a chart from a model
Create a chart from scratch
Include a chart in a post with the TinyMCE editor
Include a chart in a post with the UberChart block
Modify the properties of the datasets
Use the included spreadsheet editor
Convert a chart to a model (and vice versa)
Plot a dataset on the Y2 axis
Use the color picker