Block restricted with password

With a restriction of type “Password” the restricted content is displayed only after a successful password submission.


The block below can only be accessed by submitting the password “123456”.

Protected Content
This content is password protected.
The password you entered is not valid.

Age-restricted block

The plugin displays the content associated with this restriction if the user meets the age requirements defined in the back-end. Note that the user can declare its age by submitting the birth date with the provided form.


The block below can only be accessed by users that declares at least 16 years.

Age-restricted content
Your local rating agency requires that you enter your birth date to continue.
You need to be at least 16 to view this content.

Content restricted with Geolocation

This type of restriction gives you the ability to display or hide blocks based on the location of the user.

Please note that the plugin allows you to either display additional information on the restriction (as we did in this demo page) or completely remove the block from the layout.

Example 1

The block that follows is restricted in the United States and in Canada.

This is a paragraph block associated with a restriction.

Example 2

The block that follows is restricted in all the countries of the European Union.

This is a paragraph block associated with a restriction.

Example 3

The block that follows is restricted in India

This is a paragraph block associated with a restriction.

Example 4

The block that follows is restricted in China.

This is a paragraph block associated with a restriction.

Device based restrictions

This restriction allows you to display blocks based on the device of the user.

Please note that the plugin allows you to either display additional information on the restriction (as we did in this demo page) or completely remove the block from the layout.

Example 1

Content restricted with mobile devices.

This is a paragraph block associated with a restriction.

Example 2

Content restricted with desktop devices

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available for your device.

Restriction with Time Range

With this restriction, you can display content at a specified time intervals.

Please note that if needed you can create restrictions with precise time ranges like for example only December 23, 08:00 – 18:30, or January 7, 15:30 – 20:00, etc.

To demonstrate the functionality in this demo page we restricted entire years.

Example 1

The following block will be visible from January 1 2021 to December 31 2021.

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Example 2

The following block will be visible from January 1 2022 to December 31 2022.

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Example 3

The following block will be visible from January 1 2023 to December 31 2023.

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Example 4

The following block will be visible from January 1 2024 to December 31 2024.

This is a paragraph block associated with a restriction.

Example 5

The following block will be visible from January 1 2025 to December 31 2025.

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Restriction based on the user capability

This restriction uses the capabilities of the user to determine whether to display or not a specific block.

Please note that the plugin allows you to either display additional information on the restriction (as we did in this demo page) or completely remove the block from the layout.

Example 1

This content will be display to user with the “edit_posts” capability. (E.g. Contributors, Editors.)

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Example 2

This content below will be displayed to user with the “read” capability. (E.g. Subscribers.)

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Example 3

This content below will be displayed to user with the “watch_lessons” capability. You can use custom capabilities for example to allow access to video lesson to the students of a class.

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Example 4

This content below will be displayed to user with the “download_premium_content” capability. You can use custom capabilities for example to allow access to downloadable content only to paid subscribers.

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Restriction based on the IP address

This restriction allows you to display or hide blocks based on the IP address of the visitor.

Please note that the plugin allows you to either display additional information on the restriction (as we did in this demo page) or completely remove the block from the layout.

Example 1

The block below is displayed to the user with the following IP addresses:

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Restriction based on the cookie

Use this restriction to display content based on the presence of a specific cookie.

Please note that the plugin allows you to either display additional information on the restriction (as we did in this demo page) or completely remove the block from the layout.


The block that follows will be displayed only to the visitors that have the cookie “test_cookie” with a value of “1”.

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Restrictions based on the HTTP Headers

With this restriction, you can display or hide content based on the information available in the HTTP headers.

Please note that the plugin allows you to either display additional information on the restriction (as we did in this demo page) or completely remove the block from the layout.

Example 1

The following block is available with the HTTP requests that have one the following values in the User-Agent request header:

  • bot
  • crawl
  • spider
  • Yandex
Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.

Example 2

The following block is available with the HTTP requests that have one the following values in the Referer request header:

Restricted Content
Sorry, this content isn't available right now.